Antares avox 4 review
Antares avox 4 review

In fact, it's as easy as dragging and dropping chords from another MIDI part in your project onto the track that controls Harmony Engine - this way, you can create appropriate harmonies in no time at all. This works well if you only need a very basic arrangement, but the real magic begins when you hook up a MIDI device and play in the specific harmonies you'd like the voices to follow. If you don't supply a MIDI signal, Harmony Engine enables you to select from a plethora of static presets. You can use Harmony Engine to build complex harmonic arrangements, employing up to four virtual voices on top of the original source. It works a little like Duo or Choir, except this time there's more control over tuning. The most substantial of these new additions is Harmony Engine - this retails separately for £189, so to get it in the box represents great value for money. Harmony EngineĪvox 2 also includes Harmony Engine, Mutator, Articulator, Aspire and Warm. Sybil is very much a typical de-esser - ie, a configurable, frequency-specific compressor - and it works well enough. If you're uncomfortable with compressors, it's a great solution for evening out the dynamics while adding - you guessed it - punch.

antares avox 4 review antares avox 4 review

Punch is a lot like a limiter in operation, but the results sound similar to gentle compression.

Antares avox 4 review